Based in Peterborough

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Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

Jason Greeves

If you’re struggling to quit cigarettes or cigars, I offer a single 2-hour Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy session that requires no initial consultation beforehand. It will provide all the ammunition you need to make your life healthier and your bank balance heavier.

You will quickly feel much healthier once you stop inhaling nicotine, smoke and the large amount of poisons it contains. Your body will instantly begin to repair the damage you have done over the years, making you feel far fitter, more energetic and even more attractive, particularly as you won’t smell of stale cigarettes.

Attend our 2-hour session, costing £170, and you will be supplied with a self-hypnosis CD that you can use at your free will to help ensure you remain cigarette free and your stress levels remain low.

Stop Smoking Package

One 2 hour session

One 2 hour session

Most effective way to stop

Most effective way to stop

Just £170

Just £170

Will power still required

Will power still required

Free hypnosis CD

Free hypnosis CD

Fully qualified hypnotherapist

Fully qualified hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapist Peterborough

Arrange a free consultation today

Call Now: 07808034663 Book A Free Consultation